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English for Speakers of Other Languages: Part-time Programme for 19+

ESOL Adults part-time

Excel with us

This part-time course is ideal if you are a student whose first language is not English and you wish to develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for everyday life situations, further study and employment.

Apply here
ESOL Bedford College student

Course content

There are six levels depending upon your existing skills: Pre-Entry, Beginners (Entry Level 1), Elementary (Entry Level 2), Lower Intermediate (Entry Level 3), Intermediate (Entry Level 3/Level 1), Higher Intermediate (Level 1) and Advanced (Level 2). 

You do not need any qualifications to start, but you must be a UK resident or have evidence that you are entitled to remain in the UK to qualify for ESOL funding. If you are an international student, you can still enrol on this course, but will not have access to funding and you will have to pay the full cost of the course. 

You will need to attend an assessment and interview before you start to help decide which level is best for you. 

Apply here