The Corporation seeks applications from talented prospective governors
The Bedford College Group serves an ethnically diverse community and our Board should be representative of the local community. In order to improve the composition of the Board in terms of diversity, the College welcomes all applicants and particularly applications from women and those from minority ethnic backgrounds.
Anyone eligible under the Instrument of Government can apply to be an external Governor. We recruit external governors based on a skills assessment and experience of the Further Education sector is not a requirement. Please see our current general person specification and role description for further information. All Governors offer their time voluntarily and are expected to attend formal meetings and relevant training and College events where they can. The College has benefited from longstanding commitment of dedicated individuals in the past. However, feedback from such governors has confirmed that the experience has been an enriching one.
If you feel you would like to make a contribution to the governance of an enterprise critical to the future lives of our students and the nation, we would like to hear from you. You don’t need experience in education but we do look for people who have the capability to think at a strategic level and are ready to ask questions where they consider the planned strategic development of the colleges is at risk. The role is demanding but interesting and rewarding enabling you to play a significant role in securing a successful future for our students.
If you’d like to shape the future of The Bedford College Group, then please email to Rachel Nicol, Clerk to the Corporation, at
Become a Governor Documents
Allan Schofield
Being a member of the Board of the corporation, a governor, gives the opportunity to influence the direction of the College and to contribute to the development of the Group in meeting the educational needs of the communities it serves. The Board of Governors is ultimately responsible for: the quality of education and training provided; and the appropriate and effective use of the funds allocated to the Group.
We believe the Board needs to be representative of the communities served by the colleges. So we regard the diversity of the Board as an important strength and we look for governors with a diverse range of interests and with diverse backgrounds. The Board includes students and staff employed by the colleges as well as external members from industry, commerce, the voluntary and public sectors.