You can re-sit your Autumn examination at The Bedford College Group free of charge if you meet both of these criteria:
- you will be studying at The Bedford College Group in 23/24
- were within 10 marks of a grade 4 in your Summer 2023 GCSE English and Maths.
- If you gained your grade 3 with the Bedford College Group in Summer 2023 and are within 10 marks, The College English and Maths Tutors will automatically enter you for the November 2023 examination.
- If you gained a grade 3 at school in summer 2023 and are within 10 marks of a grade 4 you can opt-in to re-sit the exam at Bedford College in November 2023. Evidence of your marks will be required, you may need to obtain this from your school. Please complete the opt-in form here. The deadline for completion is 20 September 2023, 11pm. Late entries will not be accepted.
Please note that you may have sat the exam with a different Awarding Body at school. Whilst the content will be the same, please be aware the style of questions may be different.
All other students who attend GCSE English and Maths classes at The Bedford College Group will be able to re-sit the GCSE English and Maths exams in Summer 2024.
- If you wish to opt-in to enter the November 2023 GCSE English and Maths exams, will be attending Maths and/or English classes in 23/24 but do not fit the criteria above, you can choose to pay for a November exam entry. The form to opt-in can be found here.
- Both the form and the payment must be completed for an exam entry to be accepted. The deadline for both payment and opt-in form to be completed is 20 September 11pm. Late Entries received after 20 September will not be accepted.
Please see this flowchart for further explanation
You can expect to receive confirmation of the entry to the November GCSE Exams by email and text by Friday 20 October 2023.
The exam dates will be:
- English Paper 1 – Tuesday 7th November AM
- Maths Paper 1 – Wednesday 8th November AM
- English Paper 2 – Thursday 9th November AM
- Maths Paper 2 – Friday 10th November AM
- Maths Paper 3- Monday 13th November AM
Please ensure you can attend all papers for your subject(s).