Professional Mentoring Practice CMI Level 5 CertificateThis qualification is designed to support the development of coaching and mentoring skills, and to identify the links between coaching, mentoring and the achievement of goals.
It is an in-service Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificate for people working in Adult and Further Education who Mentor (a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable colleague). It is an ideal CPD course for Advanced Practitioners, Teacher Education mentors and new to institution mentors. The course is 1 year part-time and is delivered through blended (flexible) learning with a mixture of taught sessions and those offered online through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Course information
Need to know
Applicants for this course must be 19 or over and will need to be currently in a mentoring role in the Lifelong Learning Sector. At interview you will need to demonstrate personal skills appropriate for a member of the teaching profession. You must also be IT literate and able to write reports in a coherent and structured style.
What qualification will I gain?
CMI Level 5 Certificate in Professional Mentoring Practice
How will I be assessed?
Assessment is through assignments which may involve a variety of formats such as written account/assignment, report, scenario/case study, work-based evidence, reflective practice/own experience. Each unit will have word count of between 2,500-3,000 words.
This is a flexible part-time course which runs over a year. The course is intended to be delivered through a blended approach of both VLE and classroom-based sessions. The varied and flexible delivery will include:
- an introductory workshop for all students, training sessions, practical workshops, regular mentor meetings, professional/group discussions and e-learning
- VLE mentor training materials, interactive teaching sessions.
Most of the online sessions will be used for discussions and group exercises which students will need to supplement with independent study. Assessment on the course is via a system of credits. Credits are awarded when students can demonstrate through a portfolio of work or project that they have met the Learning Outcomes of the modules. Some Learning Outcomes are related to practical skills, others to knowledge gained.
When students have gained credits for all the modules, they receive the overall award. Additional study will be required outside College. All assessments are subject to moderation by the College and also by an external moderator.
Course content
You will study two units:
- Management and Leadership Influences in Coaching and Mentoring
- Professional Mentoring Practice
The course will allow you:
- To explore the theory and practice for the mentoring role
- To model good practice in teaching and in advancing pupils learning
- To review the professional values and practice necessary for effective mentoring
- To examine the stages in developing a mentoring relationship
- To identify the ethical dimensions of the mentoring role
- To explore a range of mentoring styles and practical approaches
- To reflect on personal skills in mentoring and ways of continuing professional development in the role
- To provide an opportunity to explore an aspect of mentoring in more depth
Next steps
Course progression:
This course may also be used to provide evidence for accrediting CPD. You may also continue with your studies to gain the Management Coaching and Mentoring CMI Level 5 Diploma.
Additional information
This course is delivered with a blended learning approach. On this course you will be required to attend periodically (schedule provided) for tuition, CMI resources and the unit requirements. You will then have access to the tutor for tutorials face to face, via email and by telephone. Significant study outside of college hours is essential to be successful on this course.
All aspects of mentoring and coaching theory are covered and there is the opportunity to network and learn from other senior managers from a variety of sectors. Deadlines are set for submission of assessments. Significant reading and preparation of assignments is required in your own time.
You will need to attend College for 10 monthly sessions, with the remainder of the course delivered by distance learning (online).
Any questions?
If you would like to find out more about this or other courses, please use our Livechat below, or contact info@bedfordcollegegroup.ac.uk.
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Additional Learning Support
If you have a specific learning difficulty or disability, are deaf or hearing impaired, our Additional Learning Support team are on hand to give you assistance whenever you need it.
Any questions?
If you would like to find out more about this or other courses, please use our Livechat below, email info@bedfordcollegegroup.ac.uk or call us on 0345 658 8990.
We have access arrangements in place to help students with disabilities or any other particular needs. Call us on 01234 291000 or 01536 413123 for more information.
Additional formats
Course information sheets are also available in large print and audio formats. Call us on 01234 291000 or 01536 413123 to order your copy.