Corporate Governance
The Bedford College Group has a governing body (the Corporation) which guides and monitors the strategic direction of the Group.
The legal entity is known as “Bedford College” and is an exempt charity for the purposes of Part 3 of the Charities Act 2011.
The Corporation is responsible for:
The determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of The Bedford College Group and for the oversight of its activities.
Approving the quality strategy for educational provision.
The effective and efficient use of resources, solvency and safeguarding of assets.
Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure.
The appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of pay of senior post holders, including the Director of Governance.
Setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other college staff.
Instrument and Articles of Government
To help members of the Corporation carry out these responsibilities and duties more effectively, committees have been established. They enable members to use their skills and knowledge to review, monitor and evaluate issues in depth. Committees make decisions and provide advice to the Corporation in accordance with established terms of reference.
Corporation and committee minutes
Find out moreThe Bedford College Group subsidiaries
The Bedford College Group has 3 wholly owned subsidiaries. These companies are run by separate boards of non-executive directors but link with the Corporation to support delivery of The Bedford College Group’s strategic aims:
Aston Recruitment & Training Limited offer dedicated apprenticeship training in Northamptonshire.
Bedford College Services Limited (BCS) oversees hospitality and commercial activities.
Bedford College Professional Services Limited (BCPS) provides personnel to support The Bedford College Group operations.
In addition, Bedford College is a founder and sponsor member of Bedford College Academies Trust Limited (BCAT) which opened two new schools, Wixams Academy and Wixams Tree Primary, in September 2017.
Our governors
The Corporation consists of up to 15 external members, 2 staff and 2 student governors together with the Group Chief Executive.
View more information about our Corporation members (Governance)Become a governor or non-executive director at The Bedford College Group
The Bedford College Group is always looking for individuals with varying skills and business or organisational experience to join the Corporation and boards of subsidiary companies. We believe that today’s boards inspire tomorrow’s leaders.
These roles, although voluntary, can also provide valuable board and strategic leadership experience to enhance individuals’ own professional development. We are eager to welcome people from all backgrounds and identities and encourage applications from all suitably qualified and experienced individuals.
View more information on our current Board vacancies.
Should you have any questions about governance at The Bedford College Group or are interested in becoming a Governor please contact Rachel Nicol (Group Director of Governance ).
Group Director of Governance
Rachel Nicol
Group Director of Governance
Bedford College
Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AH
Tel: 01234 291003